The beginning of the school year is a time of major transitions for many people and can be very exciting. But for others, heading back to college can cause anxiety for a variety of reasons, such as being separated from support systems, a fear of the unknown, and even peer pressure. Pro Bono Counseling’s WARMLine is a free and confidential mental health resource available to support Marylanders experiencing such life changes.

One student returning to college recently contacted the WARMLine due to concerns about their ability to succeed. They explained that they had failed several classes the previous year due to symptoms of anxiety and depression.  As a first-generation college student, the caller also noted experiencing stress because, while their parents were encouraging of their studies, they were unsure how to practically assist them in navigating this new environment.

During the call, the WARMLine associate validated the caller’s struggles, including an appreciation of their family’s desire to be supportive, while still feeling isolated and overwhelmed.  The WARMLine associate also normalized the caller feeling “behind” their peers due to less familiarity with post-secondary environments.

Together, the caller and the WARMLine associate were able to identify student supports available at the caller’s school, including the student counseling center and the office for disability services, so that the caller could proactively connect with resources for the semester.  The WARMLine associate provided general information about how these services often work on college campuses, in addition to explaining PBC’s offerings of counseling resources if the caller needed to seek off campus services.

Through this interaction, the caller was able to make a self-care plan, as well as practice a grounding technique that the WARMLine associate suggested.

“Thank you so much; I really appreciate everything,” the caller said in closing, and expressed gratitude for the option of a callback the following week to check in on their progress.

Pro Bono Counseling’s WARMLine was established in 2020 to support Maryland residents who were experiencing mental health impacts related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The WARMLine has since evolved and grown both in need and demand. It is not a substitute for crisis services or ongoing therapy, but it is a means of assistance for anyone who needs a supportive, listening ear. The WARMLine, staffed by licensed mental health professionals, is an intermediate step to connecting Marylanders for therapy as necessary and can connect callers to crisis services. There is no commitment required, callers may give as little or as much information as they feel comfortable sharing, and may call as often as they need.

To reach PBC’s mental health WARMLine, call 410.598.0234 Monday through Friday 10AM–8PM, and 10AM–6PM on weekends.